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Fellowship With Christ

 Fellowship vs. Personal Relationship Series

Fellowship with Christ

"God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord."

1 Cor. 1:9

                In accordance with the definition of fellowship, can we have fellowship with Christ? Yes (John 14:20-23). Again, this fellowship is contingent on you and me keeping His commandments (John 14:21; Matt. 28:20; Heb. 5:9; 1 John 2:6).  Although many want to argue that it is a relationship we are to have with Christ. That phrase it neither used, nor taught in the Word. In fact something much greater and richer is. Fellowship is emphasized by Christ and reinforced in His teaching. We need to be aware God is calling us to a joint corporate partnership with Him, in His son. That partnership’s goal is that all men may be saved and come to the knowledge of truth. Jesus made it clear that He was here for that very reason (Luke 19:20; Mark 2:17; John 14:6; John 8:32). Still the question is “Do we have fellowship with Christ?” Let us be fair-minded thing and search the scriptures.

 Jesus Taught It
              Jesus made a point to teach this in Matt 12:48-50 and Luke 8:21. He states that his mother and brothers are those that hear the word of God and do it. Christ says where there are two or three gathered in His name He will be in their midst (Matt. 18:20). In Mark 9:35-37 Christ is teaching to receive Him we must not focus on power and position but be as a child in position, power, and attitude toward God. Those that partake in communion dwell in Him and He in us (John 6:51-57; Matt 26:26-30; 1 Cor. 11: 23-26). Partaking of the bread and fruit of the vine is our communion with the body and blood of Christ (1 Cor. 10:16). We also see in John 14:20-21 Jesus states that those who have His commands and keeps them loves Christ. He also says that those that love Him, the Father will love, and Christ will love him and manifest Himself to us. Then we see Jesus describe how this manifestation will look to Judas in John 14:22-23.  Having this fellowship in Christ is dependent on us keeping the Word (Luke 6:46). It’s a solid and consistent teaching in the New Testament. Christ taught it. By our obedience to the gospel and our obedience to the word we have fellowship with Him.

 In Christ & With Christ

      We are to abide in Him and He in us or we cannot bear fruit (John 15:1-8; Matt. 13:23).  It’s the only way we can hold up our end of the partnership. Jesus prays that we may all be one. Us in Him and He in us (John 17:21). We are married to Him (Rm. 7:4). There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ. If we are in Christ, the body is dead because of sin and we are alive because of the Spirit. If we are God’s children then we are heirs, heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ.  If so, let us suffer with him, that we may be glorified together (Rm. 8:1-17).   We have unity with those that are followers of Christ. We are Gentiles that have been grafted in as heirs with the Israelites that obeyed the gospel. Salvation in Christ made that possible and we all become one (Rm. 11:11-36).  We are bound together in Christ. We have the same mutual aim and interest. It goes far beyond just talking or eating, as some propose. It includes, but is not limited to, our Sunday worship. Our obedience, in Him, to the Word is us holding true to our end of the partnership. It's a 24/7 task. We are obedient just as Christ was obedient (He 5:8-9). We learn about and achieve that mutual aim by the Word. When we are in Him, we are in fellowship with Him. We are living in fellowship with Him every day.

We All Have It

     We are many but are one body in Christ, everyone is a member of another (Rm. 12:5). God is faithful by whom we were called into the fellowship of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord (1 Cor. 1:9). Our body is not for fornication but for the Lord and the Lord for the body. Nor should a member of the body of Christ be for fornication. For just as God raised Christ so will He raise the members of the body that are for the Lord (1 Cor. 16:13-15). We are all in Christ’s body (1 Cor. 12:12). Christ is in us so examine your faith and test yourself (2 Cor. 13:5). The great mystery is that we are in Christ, we are of his flesh and his bones (Eph. 5:30). This mystery is made known by God to us that Christ is in us (Col. 1:27). For we are dead and our lives are hidden with Christ in God (Col. 3:3).  Although there are a great many of us, each one of us has fellowship with Christ. Each individual person is in Him and called to fellowship with Him. Each child of God is responsible for staying in fellowship with Him.

We Live In It

     We live together with Christ in our obtaining of salvation by Christ who died for us (1 Thess. 5:9).  Christ sanctifies us and we are sanctified by Him so we are one.  He is not afraid to call us brethren (Heb. 2:11). We are to walk as He walked and abide in Him (1 John 2:6, 24, 28).  We are not to sin in Him. Those that keep His commandments are in Him and Christ in them (1 John 3:6, 24; 1 John 5:12). We dwell in Him and Christ is in us for He has given us His Spirit (1 John 4:13).  If we are in Christ we have life.  We know Christ has come, given us an understanding, so we may know Him that is true and we are in Him that is true. Those that abide in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son (2 John 9; Matt. 28:20, Acts 2:42, 2 Tim. 3:16-17).  If we hear the voice of the Lord and open the door then He will come into us, eat with us and we will eat with Him (Rev. 3:20). This fellowship we have in Him, if we continue in it, will lead us to Heaven.
     Fellowship with Christ is dependent on us being in Him and He in us. The way that happens is by being immersed into Him (Acts 2:38, Matt. 28:19, Mark 16:15-16).  We must be immersed into Him to be in Him. We also must continue to be faithful, obeying His commands. It can’t be a relationship for relationships are not conditional. Fellowships is. We can be in a partnership in a corporate body. God love us. We love God by keeping His commands (1 John 5:3). If we keep His commands than we know that love He has for us. We are also in fellowship with Him.  We keep His commands everyday all day. As long as we do, we are in fellowship with Him. There is no need to set a special time aside for fellowship. The biblical understanding of fellowship is that you have set your life aside in Christ. Daily keeping your end of the partnership. We are always in fellowship, as long as we are obedient. What we have looked at is that we are in fellowship with Christ and that’s how He wanted it to be. He died for it to happen (1 Tim. 1:15). He also died that we may have fellowship with the God.

Are you in Christ?
Are you in fellowship with Him?

Are you faithfully staying in fellowship with Him?
        What needs to change?

"Fellowship With The Godhead"



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