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From Seed to Tree

“Then He said, “To what shall we liken the kingdom of God? Or with what parable shall we picture it? It is like a mustard seed which, when it is sown on the ground, is smaller than all the seeds on earth; but when it is sown, it grows up and becomes greater than all herbs, and shoots out large branches, so that the birds of the air may nest under its shade.””
Mark 4:30-32

Why did the Jerusalem body grow like a wildfire?
 Can we do that today?

        Here you will find a list of ten things that early church encompassed that drove their growth as individuals and as a body. They grew within the guidelines of God’s word and captivated thousands. We need to seek to do the same thing. I don’t know about you but all the growth I have seen lately has been very superficial. The rules keep changing to keep up with society. Most people don’t even know the bible, yet they call themselves Christians. I don’t want that kind of faith or to be a part of that group of people. It’s more like a social status for popularity sake. I want to be a part of that early church. Here are the ten reasons why:

The lived in the shadow of the cross (1 Cor. 1:18).

They preached the word and nothing but the word (2 Tim. 4:2).

They had an unselfish heart and liberal hands the created a benevolence program that could not be beat (Acts 2:44-45).

They did not sin so that grace could abound (Romans 6:1-4).

 They had one heart and one soul (Acts 4:32).

There were zealous evangelists (Act 8:1-4; Acts 11:19).

They were genuinely converted and showed signs of being genuinely converted (Acts 11:26; Acts 2:37-42).

 They prayed. It was in secret, private and in quiet to God, not for men (Acts 2:42; Matt. 6:5).

 They were growing
Matt. 13:23; Acts 2:47; Acts 5:14; Acts 6:1-7)!

      Why would you not want to be a part of such a body of believers?  I know your questions and concerns. “That was over 2,000 years ago.” ”That was then and this is now.” “We can’t be a part of that body…plus it’s all cultural.” What If I told you that it wasn’t? What If I told you those believers that belong to that body still worship all over the world and in the same way today? What if I told you where to find them? Would you go?

     There is only one (Eph. 4:4-6). 2 Corinthians 12:12 lets us know there is only one baptism and one calling. Romans 6:1-4 lets us know that we need to be buried and raised with Christ in baptism. There are still those out there that believe in immersion in the name of Jesus Christ to be in His authority for the forgiveness of sins, by water. They still exhibit these ten qualities. They are not perfect. Romans 3:23 says we all have fallen short of the glory of God. In Luke 17:1-2 Jesus lets us know sin will happen. 1 John 1:9 lets us know that He is faithful to forgive a confessed sin. They’re out there. This body of Christ never stopped growing and they have never died out.  They adhere to the word of God (2 Tim. 3:16-17), they observe all Christ commands (Matt. 28:20), they have obeyed the gospel (Acts 2:38) and they worship and live faithfully according to Christ commands.

      It’s a simple worship. Nothing is added to or taken away (Deut. 4:2 &12:32; Prov. 30:5-6; Rev. 22:18-19). If you are in the body of Christ you can be for sure that you are adhering to everything Christ commanded. If where you worship is not doing this then you are in the wrong place. This body defines Christianity just like those in Antioch did (Acts 11:26).  Christ is the head of their body. Therefore they call themselves the church of Christ. This title is simply there to show who they are immersed into, whose authority they are under, whose commands they observe, and who the savior is (Acts 4:11-12). 

     You may hear crazy things about them, but you will always hear one thing.  That they adhere to the word better than any another. They will give you a bible answer for a bible questions with book, chapter and verse. If you want to be a part of this body, you can in the same manner that has been done for centuries. Hear, believe, repent, confess, be baptized and live faithfully is what you must do. Living faithfully is observing all that Christ has commanded. Go find that body of believers and be right in God’s eyes.


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