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5 Things That Don’t Fit

In today’s ideology about Christianity some outlandish things are being emphasized. From rock concert worship settings to coffee shop sales, the 21st Century Christians are trying everything to accomplish what 12 men did in Jerusalem on Pentecost (Acts 2). Well come on, right? We don’t have the powers of the Holy Spirit so we can’t be as attractive as they were.  So really we need to step it up a notch.  I mean that’s why the Israelites wanted Saul. He fit the cultural definition of the day for a King. He did a horrible job, but they would not have taken David. With that being said, is our way ever successful? Grant you, it may look like it in the eyes of the world. According to God the only growth worth counting is the growth that comes by His way. Joshua 1:6-9 God lets us know to do everything exactly the way He has commanded. Then you will be successful and prosper. He will always be with you. We must be strong and courageous enough to do it His way.

Here are 5 things that you do not need to grow according to God’s way

1. Elegant complexes:

The early church met where ever they could. In fact the church in Jerusalem met in borrowed places (Acts 2:46).  They body met in homes (Acts 5:42; Rom. 16:4-5, Acts 20:7-12). I’m not condemning buildings. The accommodative and functional building is a positive expense.  However it is not by any means a necessity to grow the church. Nor should it be a primary reason for growth in the church. Our contribution should not have a larger allotment for such buildings than the Lords work. I have herd of million dollar organs being put into some worship places. Col. 3:16 and Eph. 5:17-21 let us know that it is our voices that should be praising God. I have a hard time seeing how God would approve of such use of His money. But it is okay we have forgiveness so let’s do it any way (Rm. 6:1). O and its totally necessary to bring in people, the members love it (2 Tim. 4:3-4).

2. Location:

It matters!! Right? I mean Marketing 101--- location, location, and location. We are not talking about marketing when it comes to the church (Eph. 4:4-6). In view of the growth of the church, it doesn't mean a thing. The early churches met wherever it could functionally accommodate those assembling (Acts 8:1-4; Acts 11:19; Acts 2:46). Sure accessibility and beauty certainly could be considered when in search of a permanent meeting location. It however is not a key to growth.  The only thing that has a bearing on location is are their willing people that desire to hear the word (Matt. 10:11-15; Mark 6:10-11; Luke 9:4-5; Acts 13:49-52).

3. An educated and well known minister:

        Some think this is a must! They must have degrees! That’s the only way we can grow. I mean, we have to look good. I, for one, am an example of this. I do have an education and am still working towards degrees. In the state of Alabama I’m a shadow in the preaching circle. I’m an unheard of and unknown person in the church family here. What an amazing blessing we have that God didn't make a degree or status a requirement for a preacher, in the church for it to grow. What does matter is a minister’s knowledge of the word and capability to teach and preach it (2 Tim. 4:1-5; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; Acts 20:27; Luke 20:21). The apostles were virtually unknown in Acts 2:5-7. You have Jews from every nation under heaven (Acts 2:8-13). I’m sure everyone knew these guys like they were childhood friends. Jesus didn't even make such requirements when picking His 12 (Matt. 4:18-22; Mark 1:16-20; Luke 5:1-11& 27-28; Acts 1:12-14 & 26).

 P.S. That is how missionaries work; no one knows them when they first arrive at their location to work. Not to mention according to most cultures, our qualifications are just papers to them. Yet the church is spread all over the world. Something to think about.

4.  Distinguished Members:

Now we need the rich influential people in the church to make it grow and to keep up ministries! How else can we do it? I don’t know. The early church was poor. They were considered everyday common citizens (Acts 2:44-45; 4:32-37).  It’s the common blue collar folks who hear the word gladly (Mark 12:35-37). It those prestigious ones that struggle with it (Mark 10:17-22; Luke 20:20-26).

5.  A lack of persecution:

Look around every one that is growing is not being persecuted. In fact, everyone loves them. They accept everyone and never make anyone mad. The early church did that and that is why we are here today! NOT (Acts 8:1-4)!  Paul made it clear in 2 Cor. 4:1-2 that he commended himself to others with an open statement of truth. He didn’t market the word in an underhanded way to gain followers. He just preached Christ crucified. You either obey His commands or you don’t. It is your choice, not mine. The early church flourished in persecution (Acts 8:1-4 & Acts 11:19-26). Paul tells Timothy that if you seek to do well you will be persecuted (2 Tim. 3:12).  It’s possible to become bland, tolerant, and nonmilitant in a local congregation. But does that church grow? I mean if they have resorted to such a manner of life as a body then who is preaching the word (Rm. 10:14-17). Who is challenging the community to study the word?  You may have numbers that reach the panicle of possibilities, but are they Christians? Why are they there? What happens if you preach the gospel? Will they stay or will they go?

We need to wake up. We didn't grow in the 1900’s-1980 because we were just so grand. They did have magic ministries. They didn't have some unknown formula. We grew because we captivated the world with the word. We suffered great persecution. We earned great titles like “Condemners” and “Holier than thou”. But who cares what the world thinks? They are not going to be the ones judging us on the Day of Judgment. They didn't pay the price of salvation. They didn't leave commands to ensure God accepted faithful living that gains eternal life. They will have to answer just like we will. If you have the truth, it is worth giving it to them. Even if they reject it, it’s better than quietly standing by knowingly subjecting them to condemnation. It’s not up to us. The Lord adds to the church (Acts 2:47).

The church in the 21st century is neglecting the word and chasing man made success stories. They’re doing it just based on the hope to have numbers not converts. It’s a life and death choice (Mark 16:15-16). What you mandate as an okay choice, you’re teaching the new converts the same thing.  


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