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No One Listens Anyway

       There are numerous stats, polls, graphs, and studies to show that people don’t care anymore, but I don’t buy it. As a whole, we aren’t spreading the Word. Sure, I know that false Christianity and false hope is sold worldwide, but people don’t want a fake, plastic faith. God knew what we needed when He gave us His Word. The world needs the message of redemption. I think we cower from spreading the truth to people because we have been brow beat by statements like “They say everyone is going to hell!” or, “You’re not the judge of me!” Those things have always been said and they always will be (Lk. 11:53-54; Luke 20:20,26). However, I sure am glad Jesus didn’t give up reaching the lost. Let us follow His example and boldly proclaim the truth.

The Commodity No One is Selling

There are a lot of people interested in the truth.  Recently, I have witnessed many folks setting up Bible studies. According to mass media, they shouldn’t be.  So, why are they? I believe that it is because the Word will always be appealing to man. God sent this saving message for us, and it is our only hope of learning how to be saved (2 Thess. 1:8). Don’t we all long for redemption? If we don’t speak the truth, how will they know how to be saved?  If we don’t spread the message, we are in danger of losing our salvation as well. They want it. Why not give it to them? That is what God did for us (John 1:17).

God Commanded that We Spread the Word

    We must sow the seed because Christ commanded us to go out and spread the Word (Matt.28:18-20). He told the apostles that if they followed Him, He would make them fishers of men (Matt.1:17). If we follow Jesus, we will also (Acts 8:4). We need to actively pursue studying with people every day. Yes, it will cut into time watching college football and The Walking Dead but we can record it. Even though what we want may seem important, there is nothing more important than loving God, loving His people, and sharing the message of saving grace, i.e. Christ. The message of God’s kindness and favor only found in Christ (Lk.10:27; 1 John 5:2-3; Matt. 28:18-20). Let us do our best to save the lost (Lk. 19:10). We need to give people the chance to live a life freed from sin. If we want to walk as He walked, we will (1 John 2:6).


Forced Me to Grow Up

   When we are seeking to be teachers (Heb. 5:12) and evangelists (2 Tim. 2:2) we will grow.  By sowing seed, we will continue to dive deeper in the Word.  When we get out and study with the lost we can bet on the fact that we will be presented with thoughts, ideas, questions, and curiosities that we will need to study out. We learn from the parable of the sower that the one who hears the Word sows the seed (Matt. 13:18-23). We also learn that only one out of every four is going to receive it. That’s means we need to study with four people to get one. We mustn’t get discouraged by this and give up. We are commanded to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” (Matt. 28:19 NKJV). Let us endure, persevere, and learn from our efforts (James 1:2-4; 2 Pet. 1:5-8). Be a mature teacher, not stuck on spiritual milk (Heb. 5:12). As we reach out and spread the Word, our knowledge and faith will mature.


 When we are afraid, false evidence appears real. That is the sum of fear. That is what holds many of us back. “What ifs” race through our minds as we get ready to spread the Word to someone. If it’s a sale at the clothing store or 50% coupons at the market, we have no issue proclaiming those saving deals. The greatest saving deal, the gospel, somehow always gets caught in our throats. Why? FEAR. We assume some will respond in a negative way. Yet, we have never even talked to them about spiritual things. However, an even more heartbreaking situation is occurring. We don’t know how to teach someone. There are a great number of tools out there to teach us how to be evangelists. I never see a reason in the Word for us to be afraid of anyone or anything other than God. We are to be strong and courageous doing what God asks of us (Joshua 1:6-9). Then, He will be with us (Matt. 28:20). He will give us the strength we need to do His work (Phil. 4:13). If God is with us who can be against us (Romans 8:31).

It’s Profitable for Teaching

    We are to instruct them to obey all He asks us to do. In Matthew 28:20, Jesus says that the we all should teach, them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’ Amen.” (NKJV). Teaching them to follow Christ starts with the fundamental truths of who Jesus is and how to be saved. It is imperative that we sow seed in the world. The Word is the seed (1 Pet. 1:22-25), it is incorruptible, and it abides forever. Everything that pertains to godliness and life is in the Word (2 Pet. 1:2-4). “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2Tim. 3:16-17 NKJV).  God has given His Word to all man to learn from. Let’s get out there and teach it to all mankind as Christ commanded! We need to give the whole world a chance to turn to God one soul at time.

You Will Die

We have the gospel so that we may know and believe that Jesus is the Son of God and our Savior so that we may have eternal life (John 20:30-31; John 21:25; Luke 1:1-4). We need to go about preaching the Word so that others can come to be saved (Rom. 10:17; Mark. 16:15-16).  By doing such, we will mature into more knowledgeable teachers and cause others to grow. As we grow, others will be encouraged to do so as well. If we don’t, we will die spiritually. We will have some knowledge, no wisdom, and our faith will wean. If we don’t teach, we will become stagnate because there is nothing pushing our need to study or grow.

Simply Put

When we stop spreading the Word we stop growing. It limits our study and it limits the number of people being immersed into Christ because of our lack of work. The body dies because we don’t evangelize. We must love our neighbors enough to bring them the saving message of grace i.e. Christ. The message of God’s kindness and favor only found in Christ. Do we love them enough to get out there proclaim the gospel, or is it just too much for us?


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