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I Would Rather Wallow With Pigs

If You Renounce Holiness You Will Die Spiritually!

        It’s hard for some Christians to really grasp the difference between the world and the body of Christ. We read about it. We study it. We even try to apply it. In all actuality, we often fall short of being effective as Christians. We like to blur the line of separation by saying some things are okay and others are not. Last time I checked, if you put dirt in a glass of water, the water is no longer pure.  So, instead of keeping up the good fight, many just say, “I’m not a saint and I don’t want to be holy. Let me go wallow with the pigs. At least that’s fun.”

That Attitude Stinks
        With that kind of attitude, people make a concession for sin and abandon the truth. Why not? You have already decided you’re not holy. Christians are set apart. That’s what sanctified means (1 Cor. 6:11). The moment we were immersed into Christ we were reserved for God. We have a work (Eph. 2:10). We have a people (Rom. 12:4-5). We even have a culture (2 Thess. 2:15). None of which are of the world. So, why don’t we live that way?

It Ain’t Cool, Man!
         Many times, especially this day in age, we need to say no. We must say no to friends, family, culture, school, and maybe even the government if it goes against the Word.  It may not be cool to skip prom, but if it is about being lewd and prepping for the aftermath of sin, then why go? Movies like Fifty Shades of Grey and Magic Mike XXL were a cultural sensation. Is it worth your soul to watch material that promotes erotic sin? Often, the culturally cool thing is not about pleasing God. Most of the time, the popular thing is for engaging in sin, enjoying sin, bragging about sin and even watching others sin (Rom. 1:18-32).  All of which we are told not to do. It’s hard and takes a lot of commitment, but God never said it would be easy. He did say He would be with us (Matt. 28:20) and that we would have rest (Matt. 11:28; Heb. 4:1). He also gives us the reward of heaven for an obedient life (Col. 3:23-24).

         When we no longer set ourselves apart from the world, then we become just like them. What fellowship does righteousness have with lawlessness (2 Cor. 6:14)? Listen, those in the world are not us. They are weak and ungodly (Romans. 5:6).  They are far away from the light and in darkness (Eph. 2:13 & 5:8).  They are slaves to sin, lost, and reaping corruption (Gal. 6:8; John 8:34; Luke 19:10).  The world is alienated and hostile in mind toward God (Col. 1:21) and they will not inherit the Kingdom of God (1 Cor. 6:9-10). If we identify with them, then we are the same as they are. We were once worldly like that (1 Cor. 6:11). We have been freed (Rom. 6:7). Why go back?

We’re Not That Way
  As Christians, we have been saved from death by the blood that was shed for us (Rev. 1:5). Why would we want to be a part of that again? Why should we let the world tell us how to worship and live?  We are faithful saints (Col 1:2). We are heirs who are clothed in Christ (Gal. 3:27 & 29). We are a vessel for honorable use (2 Tim. 2:21). We are chosen, holy and beloved (Col. 3:12). We have been sanctified once and for all (Heb. 10:10).

To Close it Out
       When we renounce the blessing Christ gave us at baptism, we will stop growing. Every time we sin, we do just that. Most of us quickly and urgently repent and confess those sins (1 John 1:9). Some choose not to. When that happens, we not only stop growing in Christ, we begin to become what we once repented of and were freed from. We then become slaves to sin once more. And for what? A friend? Momentary pleasure? To avoid persecution? We will fail to grow if we identify with the world and incorporate its ways into our lives. Instead of saying “I would rather wallow with pigs” stand up for righteousness and walk in Christ (1 John 2:6).

When was a time you renounced holiness?
When have you jumped on the world’s bandwagon for the sake of a show, event, etc.?
 What do you need to change?
When do you need to change?
How can you change?


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