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Whispers & Squeaky Wheels

When we make concessions for deviation from the word we began to die spiritually.
(2 Cor. 11:1-4)

  Anyone who says “I know Him” and does not keep His commandments is a liar and the truth is not in Him (1 John 2:4). We too often lay claim to being God’s while forsaking Him. Hey, that is just easier to do. Like all things we would rather just say we have a connection to something than actually commit. Seriously, what would you do if something went bad? So, let’s just say "Yeah, I know Him." Then we can do what we want. That is how many want to treat Christianity. John was speaking on such atrocities when he stated that if we claim to know Him we must keep His commands or be a liar.

Sounds Good To Me

   We need to be seeking to be doers of the word not just hearers only. James 1:22 makes it clear when James says for us to be doers of the word not hearers only deceiving ourselves. The deception comes in the fact we are no more than wearing a cheap name tag when we fail to work. We are to be about observing His commands (Matt. 28:20). In fact in 1 John 2:5 who ever keeps His word truly the love of God is perfected in him. That’s how we know that we are in Him. If we just hear it and don’t do it then what good is that?

Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall…

   We like looking in the mirror too much. That way we can forget all about when we walk away. We just take a glimpse and forget our reflection in just moments. You know if this was a true discussion with a person who couldn’t remember what they looked like after looking in the mirror we would be dreadfully concerned about them.   If we do what the word says than we will be bless in what we do. We are not to be forgetful hearers (James 1:23-25).  Why should we join in and compromise the Word for those who choose to deviate from it in error? Why join those who can’t remember their own reflection?

The Plague

       In fact we are not to receive any one who does not bring the doctrine of Christ, we are not even to greet him. Why? It’s infectious. This type of blind eye faith is like the bubonic plague. It takes no time to take over. Just like the history of the bubonic plague it ebbs and flows over the ages. Somehow it just kept showing up. False doctrine comes in many forms and never seems to leave us alone. The result is always the same, death to true faith.  To share with such a spreader would be to share in his evil deeds (2 John 10-11). We are not to receive anything different than what’s in the Word from anyone (Gal. 1:6-10; 2 Cor. 11:1-4; 2 Thess. 3:6; 2 Thess. 3:11-15; 1 Cor. 5:11-13; Romans 16:17-19; Titus 3:9-11).  May I note for moment to overwhelming amount of scripture that warns us of such teachings? The simple fact is Christ teaches us to be separated from such carnal education. These scriptures should impress upon you the importance of fleeing such corrupt instructions. Do you want to be infected with the bubonic plague? Would you help someone spread the bubonic plague? Then why receive and help spread false teaching?

It’s All In The Whispers

      Sure, no one in their right mind is going to do any of that. We know we are to stand on the word. We know that we are to only follow Christ. We willingly reject false teaching. Yet, somehow it still shows up. Faithful assembling of saints still get lead astray. However, it’s not because they didn’t reject the bull horn proclamation of false teaching. It because they conceded to the simple whimpering’s of a squeaky wheel or the whispers of a silent majority. They let someone somewhere convince them that they are missing out. Such statements as “Look at those folks” or “They are doing it and growing” are things breathed in the presence of members in the assembly. Perhaps it’s an even subtler “What do you think?” approach. Either way over time whispers become statements and something must be done.

Baby Steps

            Oh no, it not a big issue like instruments on Sunday morning. It’s we need a better song leader, who is more enthused and excited on Sunday. Small concessions are made that take them from an enthused song leader, to mic’d members, to sitting praise team, to stand praise team, to praise team in the pulpit, to a praise team with one instrument…. And the progression just continues. I understand that it make take many a road, the result it still the same. In the end they are no longer the body of Christ, but the body of man.  Not to mention a concession in one area is a concession in all areas. The argument that got that concession will be applied to every area of the word. This can be done on an individual scale as well. We do it to our selves when we allow sin to be in our lives. When we make concessions for sin we stop growing. In fact we see faithful individuals that have such delusions on a regular biases and many leave the body. 

Just A Little Bit

      It only takes a little bit to taint the whole (1 Cor. 5:6-8).  It only takes one whisper or whisperer to get it started. So let us not compromise with error.  If we make such compromises we are endanger of abandoning the Word. We risk not being pleasing to God. This applies to us as a congregation and individuals. The love of God is us keeping His commandments (1 John 5:3).  We can only know Him by keeping His commandments (1 John 2:3). Stand firm in the Lord as citizens of the kingdom of heaven (Phil. 3:17-4:1). Growth only comes when we do what God ask us too. As we faithfully serve Him as He has asked us in His word, the bible, we grow strong in Christ. We can’t grow if we are always making exceptions, compromises and short cuts with God’s word.  In fact, such acts quickly lead us outside the body of Christ.

          Many wonder how someone or some group got to that false gospel point. It’s all the same path, baby steps away from the gospel. Any and everyone who chooses to make these steps will stop growing. In fact such concession is why any stop growing all together. It always results in false maturity in Christ and growth in their assembly. When it happens the concept, spreader, and or teaching soon evacuates to be relocated in another faithful member or assembling of the body of Christ. They leave behind them Christians that have stopped growing. There is only the spiritually dying souls in their wake.

Where have you made concession for deviation in your life?

What do you need to change?


  1. If you are afraid that a better song leader could lead to a full orchestra then you better stop meeting in a church building and go back to a house church because a church building might lead to a cathedral. One makes as much sense as the other.

    1. Jos. Wheatley,
      Thank you so much for taking the time to read/listen to this article and comment. You have made a strong statement that I appreciate. In fact that very type of argument prompted this study. You are right, the argument can be applied to anything. I’m sorry if I conveyed that having a better song leader is wrong and we need to fear it. The point I was driving at is “Why”. Although having such song leader is not bad. The reason behind it could be. The reason needs to be investigated because that may not be the desired end result. My example was simply to point that out. That example is a true one and I have seen it happen personally. I like a good, strong, enthusiastic song leader. I also like one that is not. I’m there to sing to God. The song leader is just there to make the singing orderly and lead us all together in that act of worship. If he can do that we are fine. Hence the thought behind the example. Why does it have to be a professional enthusiastic song leader? Who wants that? God didn’t require it or command it. If I may, using the same example I would like to clarify that paragraph or statements.

    2. The problem is not having a song leader who has the ability to lead God’s people in an effective way as to bring out of them the singing God asked for. The problem is why the people are asking, demanding, or begging for such a person. Is it because there is not a song leader in the assembly that can do it? etc.. Or is it because they want it to be better for themselves. Are they asking for such a thing to better glorify God or so they can “get” more out of it for themselves?
      The issue spoken of here is that once that, or anything, is done for a negative reason. Such reasons as “I don’t feel like we glorify God now”, “I don’t like the singing”, “A better song leader will bring people in” or “I don’t get anything out of it” leads to more baby step concessions. Those concessions are a snow ball effect. When those concessions are made many more come on the same bases. “Small concessions are made that take them from…” is the highlight of that paragraph and this article. Sometimes, although we would like to think differently, people want the building to reach the cathedral and are willing to take baby steps to get there. That is all this article is pointing out. Also, the article points out that we do the same thing in our personal lives. When these things are done and accepted we stop growing in Christ individually and as a body.
      In no way did I mean to expresses that a good, strong, enthusiastic song leader who is there to lead the assembling of the saints in singing that would glorify God is bad. However, if the motive for having such a man is simply “I don’t like how Jim Bob leads” or “I’m not getting anything out of the song service” then we are in danger. Just as you quite rightly put it that thought process will lead to any line of thinking and doing. “Hey can we have dimmer lights?” someone might start saying. The end goal is to have a dark room with strobe lights and a fog machine during worship. The examples could be endless. I would argue, and the point of this article is, that those thoughts come from personal concession in our personal walk and maturity in Christ. That kind of thinking is how we can get those pushy baby steps that get us so far off track. If it’s about him or her, you, and I who is to say where the concessions and deviations will to stop. It’s about God. We do everything the way God asked.
      We simply need to be aware of the “squeaky wheels” and why they are squeaking. If it is just because they don’t like something etc… we need to make it clear we are not there at worship for me, them or you. We are there at worship to worship God how He commanded. In this example God commanded us to sing (Col. 3:16). So we sing because it’s about Him. We are there for Him and to do what pleases Him. Not ourselves, contrary to popular belief. That being said when we begin to think to ourselves in that selfish manner and act accordingly in our spiritual walk we are in danger. We are Christians because of Him. We are His children and our manner of life should reflect that (Phil. 1:27; Rom. 6:19). We live to please him, not us. Living to please ourselves is living in sin. That’s the whole point, concessions are made to make me happy not God. Well at what point will said person be happy?
      Thanks again for you great comment!! I encourage you to subscribe and continue digging deep. If you would like to discuss this more in depth or study more on it please contact me at . May God bless you and keep you!! 


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