Fellowship vs. Personal Relationship series Fellowship with the righteous is contingent on one thing; we must keep His commandments. Those who keep His commandments are the only ones that God will have companionship, sharing having, or giving a sharing in Him. Fellowship means companionship, familiar interaction, sharing having or giving a share in the Kingdom with the God head and the body as we are in a corporate partnership together in Christ Jesus that by our association together we have a mutual aim and interest. Do we have fellowship with each other? Can we have fellowship with the wicked and unrighteous? Let’s look at these two areas in the light of fellowship. Who is the Righteous? Those who are righteous are Christians (Acts 11:26). He is righteous (1 John 2:1). We are made righteous by Christ in Christ (Rm. 5:19 & 6:18; 1 John 2:29 & 3:7). Those that are in Him and obediently live in Him are righteous. So all those in Him have fellowsh...