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Showing posts from February, 2015

Spice It Up Man!

Do you spend more time watching T.V. than you do studying the word? Do you sometimes struggle engaging in the preaching you hear? Does the preaching just seem to drab or slow? I have heard many say that so and so ’s preaching needs some spice. That they want something that's going to move them. Something thing that's just really exciting etc. Have you thought that yourself? Why is it so different for us? Our parents and grandparents didn't have that issue. Nor did the New Testament church.   It's Just Not Exciting Enough Is there something that is effecting you? Yes! T.V. and electronics. There are countless studies that show the ill effects of such things. T.V. addiction is one of them. Many people have it and don’t even know it. How many times have you got home from work and just turned on the T.V. without thinking about it? Just like you log on your computer and somehow it always ends up on Face Book. Which by the way Web reading it effecting our reading...

Fellowship Vs. Personal Relationship Defining the Terms

“Where does the Bible say “personal relationship with Jesus” and how do I get that?” I have heard many ask this question , and I wondered myself the first time I heard it. Like all other new candies that entice Christians , it has become a topic of conversation. However, no one can quite answer this question which is referring to a relationship with Christ. Yet when you turn to the New Testament there is no terminology, scripture and / or teaching that would point us to such a thought. The Old Testament doesn’t allude to it either. So, what do we do? Like always , we need to dig down and look in the Word to understand what is being said and where it stems from. If you are familiar with Fellowship or Relationship, another post I made, then what I am going to say will be clear. If not , that is ok. These next few post will add to our understanding of fellowship and personal relationship. Here is the link for the Fellowship or Relationship,